Payment Questions
- What payment means do you accept?
- When is my credit card charged?
- Can I cancel an order?
- Are credit card transactions safe?
What payment means do you accept?
We accept visa,mastercard,discover and american express. Paypal is also accepted at our secure checkout site.
When is my credit card charged?
Your credit card is charged immediately upon completion of the checkout process. Sophisticated systems are set up to immediately send your order to our shipping department, where items are to be shipped out by the end of the following business day.
Can I cancel an order?
Orders cannot be cancelled once the order has been dispatched. So if you want to cancel the order,pls email us in 6 hours
If you have any difficulties, please feel free to reach us by clicking the ‘Contact Us’ button on the website. We will get back to you shortly
Are credit card transactions safe?
Absolutely! In fact, it's statistically safer to use your credit card over the Internet than in a restaurant or department store. Payments are gone through Paypal servers, which use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), an encryption technology that works with Firefox, Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Internet Explorer, and AOL's browser, so that customer's personal information can be protected.
Shipping Questions
- Can I come to your locations to pick up an item?
- What will I be charged for shipping?
- How do I track my shipment?
- What should I do if my shipment never arrives?
- How do I ship items to a different address?
Can I come to your locations to pick up an item?
Unfortunately, we are not currently configured for individuals to come to our locations to pick up their orders. We are merely an office for processing the paperwork for these transactions.
What will I be charged for shipping?
Standard Air Post:10CAD.Express Shipping:$22CAD
How do I track my shipment?
We ship your purchase before the end of the next business day after you have checked-out. We would send an e-mail with the tracking number by paypal so you can check the progress of your delivery at the carrier's web site.
What should I do if my shipment never arrives?
Please allow up to 15 business days for your item to be delivered. If it still does not arrive, please reach us by clicking the ‘Contact Us’ button on the website. We will get back to you shortly.
How do I ship items to a different address?
If you want to ship items to a different address,you can email us and give us the new address in 6 hours.we will dispatch your pacakage to your new address.
Laptop AC Adapter
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- HP AC Adapter
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